I am hoping that these angels are going to be very popular for Christmas! Naughty Angel 2, featured above, is rather cheeky, and is perhaps more of a ‘fallen angel’ with her rolled down stocking and slightly satisfied smile!

My third angel in this series is even naughtier, as she is laughing and pointing at someone (the viewer)…….she has been cast and is awaiting her wings…..though how long she will have to wait, I don’t know, because the guys at the studio have lost the mould!! Not helpful when I was hoping to have her in a gallery in time for Christmas, as well as sending the mould out to Thailand in time for our visit in the New Year.

Advance Sculpture Techniques at The Sculpture School
We had a great time last week at the studio – running, for the first time, our Advanced Sculpture Techniques Course – from Monday to Thursday. We have so much to teach the students, and over ran on the anatomy section yesterday because our female life-model had such amazing muscles we got carried away drawing all over her! That may sound bizarre, but illustrating muscles on a real naked body is completely fascinating, and so much more interesting than a dry old text-book!
Our students are always entranced. It makes us realise how utterly privileged we are to be sculptors, where studying the naked human form is an honour and joy – how many people can say that about their everyday work?!! And even our models are amazed by how much they learn when they are posing for our Figurative Course, as our professional model said yesterday "No other art classes (whether they are in drawing, painting or sculpture) offer such a fun, unique and in-depth approach to teaching anatomy for artists".

Vanity versus Expedience
Oh the horror! Our model didn’t turn up as planned for the Portrait session on Wednesday (fortunately a rare occurrence) so in order to save time I stood in for her! I cannot describe the shock and awe I felt when in the cold grey light of a digital camera image, 8 photos in a 360 degree series of pictures, emerged from the printer of my grandma!! My self-image was devastated: I had gaily visualised myself as a young, vibrant, attractive 40 -something, when in reality I am a well-rounded, grey, cuddly and slightly serious granny! So – I headed straight to the gym with Andy after work, and am off to the hairdresssers for highlights, and eating nothing but air for the next 6 months!!